Operands for conditions

Operands for conditions are boolean operators which are utilized to unify or combine multiple security rule conditions to create more advanced security rules:




Most classic operand, which combines multiple security conditions by evaluating them to true if all of the conditions also evaluate to true at the same time. The general syntax for security rule conditions looks as follows:




The second classic operand, which compares to logical evaluation and returns true if at least one of them returns true as well. The syntax looks as follows:




This operand, not case-sensitive, compares, for example, resource attributes with a string value, and evaluates to true if they are identical:


STRICT EQUAL Works exactly like EQUAL; however, makes a strict comparison of the resource attribute with a value which is case sensitive. It compares not only the value, but also the value types, such as whether '1' is also an integer rather than a string. The syntax looks as follows:


NOTEQUAL NOTEQUAL serves the opposite purpose of EQUAL and compares whether the resource type is different from the defined value:


STRICT NOT EQUAL Exact opposite of what STRICT EQUAL does. It compares, strictly, whether the resource type is different from the defined value and value type:



This operand reverses a boolean value of an expression:



This operand does a case-insensitive comparison and allows the use of regular expression operators, like an asterisk (*) for a wildcard:

For example: user.group like US.*



Typical MATCHES operand, which makes a case-sensitive comparison; however, allows the use of regular expression operators, like an asterisk (*) for a wildcard:


The full list of special query characters for the above operands LIKE and MATCHES can be found at the following URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa976858(v=vs.71).aspx.
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