Set modifiers using assignments with implicit set operators

In the second example of the previous section, we showed you how to add a value on top of the current selection by adding the field name, the set operator, and the values we want to add, as shown in the following example:

sum({$< [Product Id] = [Product Id] + {3} >} Sales)

This same expression can be shortened by using implicit set operators. Instead of writing the long form <Field = Field + {Values1, Value2}>, you can write it as follows:

<Field += {Value1, Value2}>

After applying implicit set operators, the example would look like this:

sum({$< [Product Id] += {3} >} Sales)

The operators *, /, =, or + go to the left of the equals (=) sign and the additional values go to the right of the equals sign, as we have seen in other set modifiers.

The following examples serve to explain this:

  • Sales of the current selection excluding sales for sales manager Mary:
sum({$< [Sales Manager] -= {"Mary"} >} Sales)
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