Resource filters

Resource filters are utilized to reference one or multiple resources within a security rule. In technical terms, they follow the following syntax:

Resource Filter Syntax:
resourcetype1[*][_*][, resourcetype2[*][_*], ...]

The parameters described in the previous syntax can be deconstructed into the following options:

Parameter Description
resourcetype1 Resource to be referenced. This field is required, and you must enter at least one resource-type name.

This is an optional wildcard. If included, the security rule will apply to all resource types beginning with the specified text. For example, App* will apply the rule to all resource types beginning with Appwhich means, all resources of type App and nested App.Object.

If omitted, the security rule will apply to resource types with the exact name specified in the Resource field. You must supply the GUID or template for GUIDs for the rule to work.

Cannot be used in conjunction with the _* option.

This is an optional wildcard. If included, the rule will apply to all resources of the type specified. For example, App_* will apply the rule to all apps. Similarly, App.Object_* will apply the rule to all app objects.

If omitted, the security rule will apply to resource types with the exact name specified in the Resource field. You must supply the GUID or template for GUIDs for the rule to work.

Cannot be used in conjunction with the * option.
The real difference between the * and _* wildcard qualifiers is that the first one includes all nested resources (objects within an app), whereas the second only references the specified resource (apps, but not objects within the apps).
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