Set modifiers with advanced searches

Sets can also be defined by using wildcards (*) or complex aggregations.

I showed the use of wildcards in the previous section. We can, for example, show the sales of all the products starting with the letter S:

sum({$< [Product Description] = {"S*"} >} Sales)

The wildcard * can be used anywhere in the string, and it is a replacement of any character or string of any length. The preceding example can return Shoes, Shirts, or any other string starting with S.

Within our set modifiers, we can use complex aggregations. For example, we may want to know the sales of those who sold more than two products in the year 2018:

sum({$< [Sales Manager] = {"=count({1<Year = {2018}>} distinct [Product Id]) > 2" } >} Sales)

Note how a function is placed in the set modifier value. This works as a condition. If the distinct count of products for 2018 for each sales manager is greater than 2, then the aggregation sum(Sales) will happen. 

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