Root API

Namespace: qlik

The Root API is the external interface to Qlik Senseā€”it provides methods to open apps, get a reference to a current app, or set the specific language. In summary, it's the root of all other subsequent hierarchical API calls. Two examples will illustrate how it works:

  • Set a specific language: This example showcases how to programmatically set a particular type of language within Qlik Sense:
require(['qlik'], function(qlik) {
//set the language to something else than default language
  • Get a list of available apps: This example retrieves a list of all available apps and writes them on to the console log:
require(['qlik'], function(qlik) {
var str = "";
list.forEach(function(value) {
str += value.qDocName + '('+ value.qDocId +') ';
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