Basic rule editor

Security rules can get quite complex in some instances, but for simple rules, the QMC provides a basic rule editor which helps with the syntax. The editor sets the brackets required for the boolean logic to apply and, based on the template, it suggests applicable resource names in an available drop-down list:

In there, you can choose from some predefined resource filter types and group them or split them into boolean logic groupings, and also apply the operators described in the preceding section. The above security rule condition simply evaluates to the following expression string, which will be inserted in the Advanced section beneath the Editor:

((user.roles="SuperUser") and ("DEV" or like "DEV*"))

The security rule applies to all SuperUsers and to all apps within the DEV stream, or apps whose names begin with DEV*, and allows those users to create, read, and modify those apps.

It is important to note that the underlying editor, while very useful, does not contain the full universe of resource types, operands, and functions. It should be used for quick and basic security rules, but you should be aware of its vast possibilities to expand and not be afraid to take the produced string in the Advanced section and extend it. 
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