Using Visual Formula

Visual Formula allows you to work with problems involving exponents. You can use Visual Formula to check your work. You can also extend the work you have started in new directions. Here are a few problems to get you started with expressions involving exponents:

  1. 92 × (6 + 5)2

  2. 3(–72) + 23

  3. 6–3 – ×(–12) × (–1)

  4. (22)2 × 60


To delete a sign, field, or other item as you are implementing a problem in Visual Formula, position the cursor on the item, press the Shift key, and click the left mouse button.

When you use Visual Formula to solve these problems, you make frequent use of the Power menu option. You also use the quotient bar. To demonstrate the use of Visual Formula for these operations, consider the following problem:

To implement this problem so that you can generate its solution, refer to Figure 3.6 and perform these steps:

  1. Click the Quotient menu item. Then click in the upper equation composition area to position the quotient bar. Resize the quotient area by clicking on the bottom edge and pulling it down.

  2. Click the Value field menu item. In the upper (numerator) part of the quotient area, click to position the Value field. Then click in the field and type 3.

  3. Click the Power menu item. To the upper right of the numerator Value field, click to place the exponent field. When you click to position the exponent, note that 2 is the default value. Leave this value.

  4. Click the Value menu item and position the corresponding (denominator) field below the quotient bar. Click in the field and type 6.

  5. Click the Add menu item and to the right of the quotient you just created, click to position the plus sign.

  6. Click the Quotient menu item and position it after the plus sign. Resize it so that it is the same size as the first quotient area.

  7. Click the Value menu and position the field in the numerator area of the second quotient. Click in the field and type 2.

  8. Click the Power menu item and position it to the upper right of the Numerator field. Click in the field and type 3 for the exponent.

  9. Click the Value menu and position the field in the denominator area of the second quotient. Click in the field and type 5 as the value.

  10. To calculate the value, click on the button with the equal sign. You see the answer in the field to the right of the button.

    Figure 3.6. Use Visual Formula to generate numbers with decimals.


As you go, it is not necessary to start from scratch. If you press the Shift key and click on the left mouse button, you can delete items. You can then insert new items. To change a value in the field, just activate the field and use the Backspace key to delete the number in the field.

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