Using Visual Formula

Among many other things, you can use Visual Formula to explore negative slopes. You create a negative slope when you make the m (slope) value of the line’s slope-intercept equation negative. The equation then assumes the form y = –m(x) + b. Here are a few equations to try:

a. y = –4x + 3

b. y = –6x + 1

c. y = –5x + 2

To implement equation a, work in the upper composition area and use the following steps:

  1. Click the Value menu item and then to position the Value field, click in the upper equation composition area. This is the field that corresponds to the coefficient m. Click in the field and then type –4.

  2. Click the Multiply menu item. Click to the right of the Value field to position the multiplication sign.

  3. Click the Value field item. This time, click to the right of the multiplication sign to position the field. Click in this field and type x.

  4. Click the Add menu item and position the plus sign to the right of the x field.

  5. Click the Value menu once again. This time position the Value field after the plus sign. This is the field for the y-intercept value. Click in this field, and then type 3.

  6. Now in the lower-right panel find the From and To fields for the X Range setting beneath the Chart for Formula 1 button. Click the From control and set the value to –10. Click the To control and set the value to 10.

  7. Now click the Chart for Formula 1 button. As Figure 6.14 illustrates, the negative slope slants down to the right.

    Figure 6.14. Negative slopes slant down and to the right.

  8. To show more of the graph, place the cursor on the top border of the graph and drag it to the top of the lower equation composition area by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse up.

  9. To show more values on the graph, in the lower-left panel find the Zoom fields for X and Y. Click the X control and set the value to –2. Click the y control and set the value to –2.

After implementing the first equation, try the others or improvise to explore different slopes and intercept values.

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