
Polynomials constitute what you can regard as a superset that contains other types of expressions, such as monomials, binomials, and trinomials. A monomial consists of a constant coefficient and a single variable. The coefficient must be a real number. The variable often possesses an exponent. If it does, then the exponent must be an integer, and it may not be negative. Here are a few examples of monomials:

5x2, 2x2, –2, 0, 3x4, 2

Monomials are polynomials, as are binomials and trinomials. A binomial consists of two monomials. A trinomial consists of three monomials. A polynomial, generally, can consist of a monomial or a combination of monomials. If you combine monomials to create a polynomial, you use only addition and subtraction to do so. To put it differently, a polynomial provides a sum or difference of monomials, not the quotient or a product. Here are some examples of polynomials:

2x2 + 2x, 15a3 + 2a, 15a3, a3, −15a, , 0

Adding or subtracting monomials creates a polynomial. If you multiply or divide monomials, however, you do not create a polynomial. Also, if the variable in an expression contains a negative number, then it is not considered a monomial. Here are a few examples of terms that are not monomials or polynomials:

, ,

In the first expression, 1/x represents a negative exponent (x−1). The second expression contains two monomial expressions (2x and x2 + 3), but dividing one by the other does not create a relation based on addition and subtraction. With the third example, the situation is the same. Although the expression includes two monomials, the relation between them is that of division.

Exercise Set 8.1

Determine whether the following expressions constitute polynomials, monomials, or neither polynomials nor monomials.

  1. 3x

  2. 3x−2

  3. −9x2

  4. 17

  5. s3 + 4

  6. 6a + 7

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