Robots Meta

Similar to the All in One SEO Pack plugin (see “All in One SEO Pack,” earlier in this chapter), the Robots Meta plugin ( gives you a breakdown of each menu option and the impact that it has on your site. This plugin, however, isn't ready to go out of the box, like many of the other plugins we discuss in this chapter. To use it, you need to consider how your SEO works on your site and what content you want the search engines to index. If you want to base your search results on your categories (we recommend this approach if you have a lot of content in categories based off popular keywords), make sure that robots doesn't scroll your subpages.

We can't offer any recommendations for setting up this plugin — the choices are too specific to you and your site needs. (See Figure 5-5.) Just go through and think about each choice and how it pertains to your blog and configure the settings that you feel work best for your individual Web site.

Figure 5-5: Robots Meta configuration.


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