Chapter 7. Distances and Other Things

In this chapter, you extend the work begun in the last chapter to investigate different types of linear and non-linear relationships. You start with a review of the slope-intercept equation and how you can use the pattern it provides to quickly establish equations if you are given two points in a coordinate plane that define a line. From there, you work with different properties of lines, such as how to shift them up and down. As you go, you also explore perpendicular lines and lines you create using absolute values. From there, you proceed to explore how a line can be symmetrical to a point or another line. In addition, you look briefly at how you can invert the values of an equation. You also explore absolute values using Visual Formula. Here are some representative topics:

  • Simplifying approaches used to create equations

  • How to apply the Pythagorean theorem

  • Exploring how you can find a line perpendicular to another

  • Moving lines up and down

  • The effect of absolute values on lines

  • How lines are symmetrical with respect to lines, axes, and points

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