Storage overcommit

Storage overcommit levels are configured on a per-datastore basis and affect how many linked clones Horizon Composer will provision on each datastore. Storage overcommit is typically configured when the desktop pool is created, but the settings can be updated at any time.

The following list shows the five different storage overcommit levels supported by Horizon. Each is calculated based on the size of the parent virtual machine:

  • None: Storage is not overcommitted.
  • Conservative: The default. Storage will be overcommitted up to 4 times the size of the datastore.
  • Moderate: Storage will be overcommitted up to 7 times the size of the datastore.
  • Aggressive: Storage will be overcommitted up to 15 times the size of the datastore.
  • Unbound: Storage will be overcommitted without any limits, even if the datastore is filled to capacity.

Consider an example where the overcommit level is set to Conservative, the parent virtual machine uses a disk that is 12 GB in size, and linked clones will be configured on datastores that are 240 GB in size. In this situation, the following overcommit settings will be applied:

  • 120 GB (datastore) X 4 (overcommit level) = 480 GB
  • 480 GB/12 GB (parent virtual machine size) = 40 linked clones

Based on these figures, when using the default storage overcommit level, Horizon Composer will place up to 40 linked clones on each datastore at the time of the linked clone deployment or the rebalance operation.

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