9.3. Configuring an Action to Start at Bootup

If some server on your system such as Apache or Squid is not currently being started at boot time, you can use this module to change that. On most Linux distributions, every server that comes with the distribution will have its own bootup action script, but not all will be enabled by default. To configure an action to start at boot time, the steps to follow are:

On the main page of the module, click on the name of the action that you want to enable. This will take you to the action editing page, as shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2. The action editing form.

Change the Start at boot time? option from No to Yes.

Click the Save button, and your browser will return to the list of actions on the main page.

If there is a server that is currently being started at boot time that you want to disable, just follow the same steps but set the Start at boot time? option to No instead.

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