26.1. The File Manager Module

Under the Others category in Webmin is a module that is quite different from any of the others. Instead of configuring some server or service, it allows the user to view and manipulate files on the server through a Java applet file manager. The user interface is similar to the old Windows explorer—on the left is a tree of directories, and on the right is a list of files in the current directory. At the top is a row of buttons on a toolbar that is used for carrying out various operations on selected files. Figure 26.1 shows an example.

Figure 26.1. The File Manager module.

Unlike other modules, this one only has a single page that is taken up entirely with the Java applet. To return to Webmin's main menu, you have to click on the Index arrow in the top-left corner. Naturally, if your browser does not support Java then the applet cannot be used.

The File Manager module's user interface is almost exactly the same on all versions of UNIX. The only differences are that some of the EXT, ACL, and Attr buttons (described in Section 26.10 “Editing File ACLs”) may not exist on some operating systems. This is because the filesystems on those UNIX variants do not support the extended attributes that the buttons allow you to configure.

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