22.4. Editing an Existing Printer

Any printer created using Webmin or any other tool can be edited using the Printer Administration module. You can also temporarily disable a printer so that it no longer accepts jobs or sends them to the printer. To do this, follow these steps:

Click on the name of the printer on the module's main page. This will take you to an editing form, which is similar to the creation form shown in Figure 22.2.

To prevent users from submitting new jobs to the printer, set the Accepting requests? field to No. You can enter a reason why the printer is unavailable into the Why not field, which will be displayed to users who try to use the lpr command. This field, however, may not be available with some print systems.

To stop the printer from printing or sending jobs to a remote server, set the Printing enabled? field to No. This can be useful if the printer is going to be taken offline for maintenance, as the queue will still accept jobs to be printed when the field is set back to Yes again. You can also enter a reason into the Why not field, which will be displayed when the print queue is displayed with the lpq command.

All other fields on the page can be changed, as explained in Section 22.3 “Adding a New Printer ”. The only exception is the printer name, which cannot be modified after the printer is created.

When you are done changing the printer's details, click the Save button. The changes will be made immediately and you will be returned to the module's main page.

Existing printers can also be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the editing form. Any jobs in the printer's queue will be deleted as well.

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