48.6. Deleting a Package

If it is no longer needed, an installed package can be removed from one or all hosts using the Cluster Software Packages module. You can delete a package by following these steps:

Find the package that you want to remove by following the instructions in Section 48.5 “Searching for Packages”.

To delete from just one host, select it from the menu next to the Uninstall from button. To remove from all, leave <all hosts> selected. Only hosts that the module knows the package is on will be included in the menu.

Click the button to bring up a confirmation page showing the number of files and bytes that will be removed. Depending on the package system, this page may contain fields for setting uninstallation options, such as whether dependency checking is done or not.

Hit the Delete button to go ahead with the removal. The deletion will be done simultaneously on all chosen systems to speed up the process. A page showing the results from each system from which it is being deleted will be displayed, indicating whether or not it succeeded or why it failed. Those most common causes of failure is a dependency on this package by anothe package. If <all hosts> was selected, the module will only attempt to remove it from systems on which it thinks the package is installed.

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