38.9. Editing Mail User Assignments

Qmail's mail user assignment feature allows you to create “fake” mailboxes that can receive email just like real UNIX users. Each user assignment defines an additional mailbox, and has an associated UNIX username, UID, GID, and home directory in which the mail file and .qmail files are located. They are most useful if you want to avoid having to create a UNIX account for every mailbox on your system, or if you want to direct mail to multiple users into the mailbox of a single real UNIX user.

To create a new mail user, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the Mail User Assignments icon. A page listing existing assignments will be displayed, with a form at the top for creating a new one (as seen in Figure 38.3).

Figure 38.3. The mail user assignments list.

In the Address username field, select Exact username and enter a name (like fred or joe) into its text box. You can also choose Usernames starting with and enter a prefix into the box next to this option to have the mail user receive email addressed to any mailbox whose name starts with the prefix. This can be useful if you want to have email for an entire domain delivered to a single user, for later retrieval and separation by a program like Fetchmail (covered in Chapter 33). For example, if the domain foo.com was mapped to the prefix foo on the Virtual Mappings page, you could select this section option and enter foo- here.

In the UNIX user field, enter or select the name of a user who will own the destination mail file or directory.

In the Home directory field, enter a directory into which delivery will be made. This does not have to be the home directory of the user from the UNIX user field, but must be writeable by him.

In the UID box, enter the ID of the user from the UNIX user field.

In the GID box, enter the primary group ID of the user from the UNIX user field.

Hit the Create button to add and activate the new mail user assignment. It will now appear in the list on this page.

As usual, you can edit existing mail users by clicking on their names in the list, making changes on the form that appears, and clicking the Save button. You can also delete a user with the Delete button located next to Save. Again, any such changes take effect immediately.

One problem with mail users created by following the preceeding steps is that the standard Qmail POP3 server setup does not recognize them. There are instructions and programs on the www.qmail.org, however, for setting up a POP3 server to support “fake” users and virtual domains, where they are most useful.

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