2.3. Installing the tar.gz Package

In the top-right corner of every Webmin website page there is a link for the tar.gz package. A link can also be found on the page www.webmin.com/download.html. Once you have downloaded it, you should have a file on your system named something like webmin-1.1.100.tar.gz. To install the package, follow these steps:

Login to your system as root.

Choose a directory under which you want Webmin installed. This is usually /usr/local, but can be /opt or any other location that you prefer. The instructions below will use /usr/local for simplicity.

Copy the webmin-1.1.100.tar.gz file to the /usr/local directory.

Run the following commands to uncompress and extract the tar.gz file and run the following setup script:

cd /usr/local
gunzip webmin-1.1.100.tar.gz
tar xf webmin-1.1.100.tar
cd webmin-1.1.100

After running the setup.sh script, you will be asked a series of questions that control the installation process. The questions and their meanings are:

Config file directory [/etc/webmin] This is the directory in which Webmin will store all of its own configuration files. It is best just to hit Enter to accept the default of /etc/webmin. If this directory already exists from an older version of Webmin that you are upgrading from, this is the only question that will be asked.

Log file directory [/var/webmin] This is the directory in which Webmin's log and process ID files will be stored. Just hit Enter to accept the default of /var/webmin for this one as well.

Full path to perl This is the location of the Perl executable on your system. If it is at /usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl, then you can just type enter to accept the default. Otherwise, you must enter the full path to the Perl interpreter.

Operating system This question will only be asked if Webmin cannot automatically identify your operating system. You must enter the number next to one of the operating system names that appears in the list before the question.

Version Like the question above, this will only be asked if Webmin cannot identify your operating system. Again, you must enter the number next to one of the version numbers displayed.

Web server port (default 10000) This is the HTTP port on which Webmin listens. It is best to stick with the default, unless you are running some other network server on port 10000.

Login name (default admin) This is asking for the username that you will use for logging into Webmin. admin is the traditional username, but anything can be used.

Login password This is the password that must be entered along with the username. You must enter this twice, to verify that you haven't accidentally made a mistake.

Use SSL (y/n) This question will only be asked if you have already installed the OpenSSL and Net::SSLeay libraries on your system, as explained in Chapter 3. If you enter y, Webmin will use SSL right from the start. If you enter n now, however, you can still turn it on later.

Start Webmin at boot time (y/n) This question controls whether Webmin will be starting when your system boots up, which means that you do not have to re-start it yourself manually every time you reboot. If you want to have it started at boot, just enter y. If not, enter n.

After all the questions have been answered, the install process will finish, and a message showing the URL that you can use to log in will appear. You can now delete the old webmin-1.1.100.tar file if you no longer need it. Do not delete the /usr/local/webmin-1.1.100 directory that was created when the tar file was extracted, however. This contains all the scripts that Webmin needs to run.

Now that the package has been installed, you can open a web browser, and go to the URL http://localhost:10000/ if you are running the browser on the same Linux system on which Webmin was installed, or http://your-systems-hostname:10000/ if the browser is being run on another PC. Either way, a web form will appear prompting for a username and password as shown in Figure 2.1. Log in using the username and password that you chose before in response to the Login name and Login password questions.

If you answered yes to the SSL question, you should use a URL starting with https:// instead of http:// to connect. If Webmin detects a non-SSL connection when it is in SSL mode, it will display a page with a link to the correct URL.

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