21.2. The Linux Bootup Configuration Module

This module allows you to configure LILO—the most common Linux boot loader. It can be found under the Hardware category, and when you enter it, the main page displays a table of icons as shown in Figure 21.1. Each icon represents a boot-time menu option, which can be either a Linux kernel or another operating system.

Figure 21.1. The Linux Bootup Configuration module.

If Webmin detects that you do not have LILO installed, the main page will display an error message to that effect. If this is the case, your distribution probably set up GRUB as its boot loader—see Section 21.6 “The GRUB Boot Loader Module” instead.

Some Linux systems have both GRUB and LILO installed, even though only one can actually be used as a boot loader at any one time. If your system uses GRUB, you should probably not use this module even though it will work correctly. Any time the Apply Configuration button on the main page is clicked, LILO will be installed on the disk or partition configured on the global options, possibly overwriting GRUB.

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