49.7. Editing an Existing Group

Editing a group is similar to editing a user, in that you can choose which of the group's attributes to change. The group editing form is similar to the one in the Users and Groups module, but has extra Don't change and Set to options for each field. Figure 49.3 shows an example.

Figure 49.3. The group editing form.

The steps to follow to change the details of a group are:

If you know the exact group name, just enter in into the text field in the Find groups whose form on the module's main page and hit the Find button. If not, a group can be found by selecting an attribute on which to search and a match type in that same form, just as you can when searching for users. Section 49.7 “Editing an Existing Group” explains more.

On the editing page for the group, select Set to for any fields that you want to change. Next to the Don't change option for each will be the current value, taken from the system shown at the top of the page.

The Members field is different to the one on the group editing form in the Users and Groups module because a group's members may differ on different systems in your cluster. You can either select Don't change to leave membership alone, Add users to add the users entered in the adjacent text field (if they exist on each system), or Remove users to remove the specified users (if they are members on each system).

As when editing a user, the Do above file operations on field determines if any necessary group ID changes on files are done just on one managed system or all of them. If your hosts all have separate home directories that are not shared with NFS, or if All files was chosen for the Change group ID on files? field, you should choose All servers. Otherwise stick with One server. Of course, the choice is irrelevant if the group ID is not being changed.

Hit the Save button to begin the process of updating the group. A page showing the tasks performed on each system on which the group exists will be displayed. If an error of some kind occurs, it will be shown under the affected system's name, but will not prevent the group from being updated on other hosts.

At the bottom of the group editing page is a list of icons for the systems on which this group exists, just like on the user editing page. Clicking on one will take you to the host form covered in Section 49.11 “Listing and Removing a Server”.

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