30.10. Creating a Root Zone

As the introduction explains, a root zone is one that contains the information that your DNS server needs to contain the Internet root servers. Without one, it is impossible to resolve records in domains other than those hosted by your server. Fortunately, one will almost always exist already in your BIND configuration, created either by Webmin or included as part of the default setup.

You may need to create a root zone if one does not exist yet because you selected the internal non-internet use only option when setting up the module for the first time, but have now connected your system to the Internet. Adding a second root zone can also be useful when views have been configured, as explained in Section 30.15 “Using BIND Views”.

Webmin will only allow you to create a root zone if none yet exists or if a view exists that does not contain one, because there is no point having two such zones. To add one, the steps to follow are:

On the module's main page, click on the Create a new root zone icon.

Fill in the Store root servers in file field with a filename to use for the root zone file. If one already exists, then this field will already contain its path. Oherwise, you should enter something like /var/named/db.cache.

The Get root servers from field controls where Webmin copies the root file from. The choices are:

Download from root FTP server This is the best option, as it tells the module to make an FTP connection to rs.internic.net and download the latest version of the file. However, this may not work if your system cannot make perform FTP downloads due to a firewall.

Use Webmin's older root server information This option should be used if the first will not work. If selected, the module will use a copy of the root zone file that comes with Webmin, which will work but may not be up to date.

Existing root servers in file If the file entered in Step 2 already exists, then this option should be chosen. If you are adding a root zone to a view and one already exists in another view, it will be selected by default so that the file can be shared between both zones.

Click the Create button to add the zone and return to the module's main page. Then hit Apply Changes to make it active.

Once a root zone has been added, an icon representing it will appear on the main page. You can delete it by clicking on the icon and hitting the Delete button; however, this may prevent the lookup of records in non-hosted Internet domains from working as explained above.

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