13.5. Module Access Control

The System Logs module can be restricted so that a Webmin user can use it only to view log files instead of being able to create and edit them. As explained in Chapter 52, you must first create or edit a user who has access to the module. Once that is done, follow these steps to limit him to viewing log files only:

In the Webmin Users module, click on System Logs next to the name of the user that you want to restrict.

Change the Can edit module configuration? option to No, so that he will not be able to reconfigure the module to use a fake syslog.conf file.

Change the field Can only view logs? to Yes. When this is set, the only thing that the user will be able to do on the module's main page is click on the View link next to a log file entry.

To limit the log files that the user can view, select Only listed files and those under listed directories in the Can view and configure log files field and enter a list of filenames into the adjacent text box. This can be useful if some of the logs on your system contain sensitive or secure information.

Click the Save button to make the changes active.

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