25.5. Module Access Control

The access control options in the Custom Commands module are designed to allow a master Webmin user to give some other users the rights to run selected commands, but not edit or create them. From a security point of view, it makes no sense to give an untrusted user permissions to create his own custom commands because that would allow him to run any command as root and so compromise the security of the entire system. Similarly, you can restrict the file editors that a Webmin user can use, and prevent him from creating new editors.

Once you have created a user or group with access to the Custom Commands module (as explained in Chapter 52), the steps to follow to limit his access are:

In the Webmin Users module, click on Custom Commands next to the name of the user or group to which you want to grant access. This will bring up the access control form for the module.

Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.

Unless you want the user to be able to run all commands and use all editors, set the Commands this user can run field to Selected and choose those that he should be allowed to use from the list provided. You can also choose All except selected and select from the list the commands that the user should not be allowed to use. All others will be available.

Change the Can create and edit commands? field to No.

Click the Save button. The access control settings will be activated and you will be returned to the main page of the Webmin Users module.

If you want to grant access to selected custom commands and editors to a large number of users, a better solution may be to install Usermin, which allows any UNIX user to log in. Any command for which the Available in Usermin? field is set to Yes will be visible in Usermin's Custom Commands module and work in exactly the same way. See Chapter 47 for more information on Usermin and how it can be configured to limit which UNIX users can run custom commands.

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