6.5. NFS on Solaris

On Solaris, NFS exports are managed by the separate NFS Shares module. Because Solaris uses a different file (/etc/dfs/dfstab) and file format for storing exports, the module's user interface is different to that of the Linux module. Figure 6.3 shows the main page of the NFS Shares module. As you can see, exports are configured by directory instead of by client.

Figure 6.3. The Solaris NFS Shares module.

To add a new NFS export on Solaris, follow these steps:

Click on the Start sharing a new directory link, which will take you to a form for entering the details of the new export.

Enter the directory that you want to share in the Directory field.

Fill in the Read-only access and Read-write access fields with the hostnames of clients to which you want to grant access. As the names suggest, a host in the Read-only field will not be able to write to or modify files on the server.

In addition to hostnames, you can also enter networks using the format @192.168.1 or @192.168.1/24, NIS netgroups or even DNS domains like .foo.com (the leading dot indicates an entire domain).

By default, the root user on clients will have only limited access to files on the server. To give root on some clients' full file access privileges, enter their hostnames, networks, netgroups, or domains into the Root access field.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to create the export. Unless you have made a mistake on the form, your will be returned to the list of exported directories.

Click the Apply Changes button to make your new export active.

Existing NFS exports can be edited by simply clicking on a directory on the main page of the module. The same form used for creating an export will appear, allowing you to change any of the options. If you want to delete the export, click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. Be sure to click Apply Changes again after making any changes so that they will become active.

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