8.14. Adding and Removing a Physical Volume

Once a volume group has been created with its initial physical volume, you can add new partitions or RAID devices to it at any time. This will increase the amount of free space in the volume group, and allow you to create more logical volumes or extend existing ones. To add a physical volume, follow these steps:

If you are adding a disk partition, use the Partitions on Local Disks module to change its type to Linux LVM.

On the main page of the Logical Volume Management module, click on Add a physical volume to the group inside the section for the appropriate volume group. This will take you to a page for selecting the partition or RAID device to add.

Choose the one that you want to add from the list in the Disk device field, or select the Other option and enter a device file manually. Only partitions that Webmin thinks are not in use elsewhere will be available for selection.

Be aware that any data on the partition or device that you select will be lost forever.

Click the Add to volume group button to add the physical volume. If successful, you will be returned to the main page of the module.

It is also possible to remove a physical volume from a volume group, as long as there is enough free space in the group to store all the data that was previously on the physical volume. The steps for doing this are:

On the main page, click on the icon for the physical volume that you want to remove.

Click the Remove from volume group button. Assuming that removal is possible, there may be a delay as data is shifted to other physical volumes.

Once the removal is complete and the browser returns to the list of volume groups, you can immediately use the partition for some other purpose. It can be formatted with a filesystem and mounted, included in a RAID group, or even added to another volume group.

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