38.3. Editing Local Domains

When Qmail receives an email message via SMTP or one of its programs, it needs to work out whether it should be delivered locally or forwarded to another server. This is done by looking at the message's To: address—specifically the domain part after the @. The domain is compared to a list of local domains and, if a match is found, the email is delivered to the mailbox of the user whose name is to the left of the @ in the To: address (if it exists).

If the domain is not local, Qmail will look up the mail server for the domain and attempt to connect to it in order to transfer the message. This is what usually happens when a client on the same network connects to send out email. A problem will occur, however, if your server attempts to connect back to itself, which can happen if the DNS says that it is the mail server for a domain which is not on its local domain list. If this happens, a bounce message will be returned to the sender, containing text like that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts or too many hops.

To edit Qmail's list of local domains, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the Local Domains icon. A page containing a text box for entering domain or hostnames will be displayed.

Select the Domains listed below radio button. If you leave Only local hostname selected, Qmail will only accept email to addresses at the system's hostname (such as mailserver.example.com).

Enter all the domains for which your system should accept mail into the text box.

Click the Save button to activate them. It is a good idea at this point to send a test email to any new domains to make sure that everything is working properly.

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