49.12. Configuring the Cluster Users and Groups Module

Like the Cluster Software Packages module, this one has only a single user setting that can be changed by clicking on the Module Config link on its main page. The option is shown in Table 49.1.

Table 49.1. Module Configuration Options
Sort hosts byControls the order in which host icons are listed on the main page and package editing form. The options are:

Hostname Systems are sorted by their hostname.

Order added Systems are listed in the order in which they were added to this module.

Description Systems are sorted by description, which will be the same as the hostname if no description is set.

Some of the module configuration settings in the Users and Groups module on the master server also affect the behavior of this module. The ones that apply are Maximum user and group name length, Show office and phone details?, Automatic home directory base, Automatic home directory style, Generate password for new users?, Conceal plain-text password?, Default primary group for new users and everything in the Password restrictions section. The Permissions on new home directories and Copy files into new home directories from settings in the Users and Groups module on managed systems are also used. See Section 4.12 “Configuring the Users and Groups Module” for a complete explanation of what they all do.

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