51.6. Configuring the Webmin User Interface

Webmin has several settings that control the color scheme of the user interface (when using the Old Webmin Theme), what server host information is displayed on each page, and if the sending of feedback is allowed. You can change them by following these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the User Interface icon to bring up the interface options form.

The first five fields let you choose the colors to be used for various parts of the interface when using the old-style theme. You can either select Default for each, or enter three hexadecimal numbers for the red, green, and blue components of a color. For example, FF 88 00 would be a shade of orange. These options have no effect on the new default theme, however.

In some themes, the title at the top of every page is rendered as an image. Because this can make the page slow to download, you can force the use of plain HTML text titles instead by changing the Display titles as text? field to Yes.

Every page in Webmin shows your system's hostname and operating system in the browser status bar by default. To have it shown elsewhere or turn it off altogether, select one of the following options from the Display login and hostname menu:

At bottom of browser The information is shown in the browser's status area, which is usually at the bottom of the window.

In browser title The information is added to the title of each page, which usually appears in the browser window title.

Above page heading The information is shown above the title of each page.

Nowhere The hostname and operating system information are not shown anywhere. If you are worried about untrusted users learning too much about your system, this is the option to choose.

When using the default theme, every page in Webmin has a link in the top-right corner for sending feedback to the developer. You may want to configure it so that feedback is sent to the master system administrator instead, so that other users can contact you. To do this, enter your email address in the Send feedback to field and change the Allow sending of feedback? field to Only to address above. The sending of feedback can be completely prevented by selecting No in the latter field instead.

Click on the Save button to activate the new user interface settings.

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