45.2. The Procmail Mail Filter Module

The Webmin module for managing the system-wide configuration file is called Procmail Mail Filter, and can be found under the Servers category. Clicking on its icon will take you to a main page like the one shown in Figure 45.1. All existing actions are listed and below them are links for adding new actions of various types.

Figure 45.1. The Procmail module main page.

Unlike other modules, this one will not complain if Procmail is not installed on your system. You should use the Software Packages module (covered in Chapter 12) to check for and install the package that comes with your Linux distribution or operating system. If no package exists, you will need to download the source from www.procmail.org, compile, and install it.

Just installing Procmail, however, is not enough for it to be actually used on your system. By default, mail servers like Sendmail, Qmail, and Postfix use their own standard mail delivery programs and not Procmail. Individual users can change this by creating a .forward or .qmail file containing the line |/usr/bin/procmail, which passes all incoming email to the Procmail program. Tt is better, however, to globally reconfigure your MTA to use Procmail so that individual users do not have to set it up. Section 45.3 “Setting Up Send mail” explains how to configure Sendmail. Other mail servers will need to be set up differently.

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