14.8. Other Operating Systems

Many UNIX operating systems have similar dump and restore commands to Linux, and several of them are supported by this Webmin module. However, the options available differ slightly, so the backup and restore forms on different systems will not be exactly the same as Linux.

The currently supported systems and their differences are:

Sun Solaris On Solaris, ufs filesystems can be backed up and restored using the ufsdump and ufsrestore commands. When creating a backup, the Split across multiple files? and Tape size options are not available—instead, there are Verify data after backup? and Eject tape after backup? options whose meanings should be obvious. Solaris also supports the backing up of multiple directories at once, by entering multiple paths separated by spaces into the Directory to backup field.

For restoring on Solaris, the options are essentially the same as on Linux.

FreeBSD and Apple MacOS X Both these operating systems have almost identical dump commands and available options in Webmin, due to the BSD ancestry of MacOS X. When making a backup, the Split across multiple files? and Dump label fields are not available, but Tape size is. The only filesystem type that can be backed up is ufs and a backup must be of an entire filesystem, not just any directory. Unfortunately, on MacOS X almost all filesystems are in Apple's native hfs format.

When restoring, the only difference is an additional Just test backup? option which when set causes the restore command to do everything except write to disk.

SGI Irix On Irix, the only filesystem type that can be backed up with Webmin is xfs, even though there is a dump command for older efs filesystems. As with the xfs filesystem on Linux, only entire filesystems can be backed up, not arbitrary directories. The Tape size option is not available, but instead you can limit the size of files to include with the Maximum file size to include option, and turn off the backing up of attributes with the Include file attributes? option.

When restoring a backup on Irix, there is no option to specify which files to extract—instead, everything in the backup will be restored. However, there is an Overwrite existing files? option to protect existing files, or existing files that are newer than the backup, from being overwritten.

Due to the low-level nature of backups made using the dump family of commands, a backup created on one operating system will not be restorable on any other.

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