39.5. Adding Another Log File

Even though the module attempts to automatically identify all the log files on your system by reading the Apache and Squid configuration files, there may be some that it misses. This can happen if the Apache Web server or Squid Proxy Server modules (covered in Chapters 29 and 44, respectively) have not been set up properly, if you have more than one copy of Apache installed on your system, or if the web server has been configured to log to a filter program rather than to a normal file.

If you want to generate a report from an FTP server log file, you will definitely need to add the file to the module, as it does not detect WU-FTPd logs automatically. You can also add logs from other web servers such as Zeus, TUX, Netscape, or NSCA, assuming they use the standard CLF format that Apache does. It is even possible to create a report on the logs created by Webmin and Usermin, found at /var/webmin/miniserv.log and /var/usermin/miniserv.log, respectively.

The steps to manually add a log file for reporting are:

On the module's main page, click on the Add a new log file for analysis link above or below the table of existing logs.

In the Base logfile path field, enter the full path to the log file, such as /usr/local/apache/var/foo.com.log. If any other log files exist in the same directory whose names start with foo.com.log, they will be included in the report as well.

From the Log file type menu, select either Apache for CLF format files generated by a web server, Squid for logs from the Squid proxy server, or FTP for transfer logs from WU-FTPd.

The rest of the form can be completed in exactly the same way as you would for an existing log file. Just follow Steps 3 through 19 in Section 39.2 “Editing Report Options”.

One difference between manually added log files and those automatically detected by the module is the presence of a Delete button at the bottom of the log file options page. Clicking it will delete the log from the list on the main page, but will leave any reports and the log file itself untouched.

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