20.4. Synchronizing Times with Another Server

The System Time module can also be used to set the system or hardware time based on the system time of another server. The other server must be either running an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server, or have the time protocol enabled in inetd (as explained in Chapter 15). For your system to use NTP for synchronization you must have the ntpdate NTP client program installed.

To synchronize the time, the steps to follow are:

Enter the hostname or IP address of the other server into the Host/Address field in the Time Server section. It is always better to choose a server that is close by, so that the effect of network latency is minimized.

Click either the Sync system time or Sync system time/Sync hardware time button, to set just the system time or both the system and hardware times, respectively. If the server cannot be contacted or does not support the NTP or time protocols, an error message will be displayed. Otherwise the time or times will be set and the page redisplayed.

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