51.3. Changing the Port and Address

Webmin usually listens for connections on port 10000 on all of your system's IP addresses. You may need to change the port, however, perhaps because a firewall on your network only allows connections to web servers on the standard ports of 80 and 443. Because servers run by any user can use port 10000, it may be possible for a malicious user on your system to wait for Webmin to be shut down and then start his own fake Webmin server on that port, which could capture the admin or root password. For this reason, you may want to use a port below 1024 (that only programs run as root can listen on) instead. Changing the listening IP address can also be use ful if your system has multiple network interfaces and you want to only allow connections on the interface connected to the internal LAN.

To change the port or address, use the following steps:

Click on the Port and Address icon on the module's main page.

To listen on only a specific interface address, select the second option in the Listen on IP address field and enter an IP into the text box next to it. This must be the address of one of your host's real or virtual interfaces.

To change the port, enter a number into the Listen on port field.

Hit the Save button to use the new settings. Your browser will be redirected to the new port and address, and you may need to log in again.

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