50.3. Creating a New Webmin User

If you are familiar with using the Webmin Users module to create a new local user, creating one on multiple systems with this module should be easy. The form it uses has a slightly different layout, but all of the fields it contains have the same meanings. The rarely used Categorize modules? field does not exist, however, nor does the SSL certificate name field which does not make sense to set across multiple servers.

To create a user on all managed systems, follow these steps:

Click on the Add User button the module's main page to bring up the creation form.

Fill in most of the fields just as you would in the Webmin Users module. The fields to be careful of are explained in the next several steps.

The Member of group menu includes groups from all managed systems and, thus, some may not exist on some servers. If the user is added to a system that does not have the chosen group, it will be as though <None> was selected for that system.

Similarly, the Personal theme menu includes themes that may not exist on some systems. If the user is added to a system that does not have the chosen theme, it will be as though Server default was selected.

The Modules section lists all available modules from all servers. You can either select modules individually by control-clicking or shift-clicking on the lists or by using the Select all, Select none, and Invert selection links below them. As with the theme, it is possible to select modules that only exist or are supported on some managed systems.

When you are done filling in the form, hit the Create button at the bottom. This will bring up a page showing the success or failure of the module's attempt to add the user to each managed server. Once the process is complete, people will be able to log in with the new account on any of your systems.

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