16.6. Editing Host Addresses

Host addresses are mappings between an IP address and one or more hostnames that are stored in the /etc/hosts file on your system. Because they are stored locally, they can be looked up at any time, even when a DNS server is not accessible. On a small network with only a few systems, you may choose not to run a DNS server at all, but instead keep the addresses of every system in the hosts file on each system. In fact, this is what was done in the early days of the Internet before DNS was developed.

To view the addresses on your system, click the Host Addresses icon on the module's main page. There will always be an entry for localhost, and probably one for your system's hostname as well. If your system's IP address or hostname has been changed, the host addresses list will probably not reflect the change, which could cause problems. To change a host address, the steps to follow are:

Click on its IP address from the list, which will take you to an editing form.

Enter the new address into the IP Address field.

Enter any hostnames into the Hostnames field. It is always a good idea to enter both the short and long forms of any hostname, such as server1.foo.com and server1 so that both can be used.

Click the Save button, and if there are no errors in the form your browser will return to the list of hosts and addresses.

You can add extra host addresses by clicking the Add a new host address link above or below the link and filling in the same form. There are no restrictions on the same hostname being associated with two different IP addresses, or the same IP address appearing twice in the list.

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