7.8. Setting Default Quotas for New Users

If a filesystem has user quotas enabled, you can configure the blocks and files quotas that will be assigned to new UNIX users created using Webmin's Users and Groups module. As explained in Chapter 4, any time a user is added other modules will be notified so that they can perform additional actions. In the case of the Disk Quotas module, that action can be the setting of an initial quota for the user on multiple filesystems.

To set the default quota for new users on a particular filesystem, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the mount point of the filesystem for which you want to set the default. This will take you to the list of users and their quotas, as shown in Figure 7.2.

At the very bottom of the page is a form in which you can set the default hard and soft blocks and files quotas. When you are done filling it in, click the Apply button.

The same options can be set for UNIX groups created in the Users and Groups module on the group quotas page.

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