25.6. Configuring the Custom Commands Module

This module has several configuration options (shown in Table 25.2), which you can edit by clicking on the Module Config link on its main page.

Table 25.2. Module Configuration Options
Main page showsWhen this option is set to All commands and parameters, the module's main page will behave as documented in this chapter. Every command and editor and their parameters will be shown. However, if Links to commands is chosen the page will only display a table of commands and their descriptions. To actually set parameters and run a command, you must first click on it to go to separate page. This mode is useful if you have a large number of commands with lots of parameters, and want to keep the size of the module's main page down.
Width of file editor windowThis field can be used to change the width of the text box used by file editors.
Height of file editor windowThis field can be use to change the height of file editor's text boxes.
File editor wrap modeThis option controls the text wrapping mode that affects lines longer than the width of the text box used by file editors.

The default of Soft will cause lines to be wrapped for display, but not when they are actually saved.

The Hard option will also wrap lines in the saved file.

The Off option turns off wrapping altogether and forces the use of the scrollbar to view long lines.

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