51.5. Using Proxy Servers

Many Webmin modules are capable of downloading files from other FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS servers. For example, the Software Packages module lets you enter a URL from which you can fetch and install a new package. Webmin will normally connect directly to the host specified in the URL, but it can be configured to use a proxy server instead. This may be necessary if your network does not allow direct access to web and FTP sites, but instead forces clients to connect through a proxy.

Webmin's RPC mechanism (covered in Chapter 53) also makes use of HTTP requests to other Webmin servers. Any proxy configuration will also apply to RPC calls, although it will not direct TCP connections used by the RPC protocol when in fast mode or when transferring large files. Because any other Webmin servers are likely to be on the same network, you will probably want to disable the user of a proxy for those hosts.

To specify HTTP and FTP proxy servers and the hosts for which they will be used, follow these steps:

On the Webmin Configuration module's main page, click on the Proxy Servers icon.

If you want a proxy to be used for HTTP requests, select the second radio button in the HTTP proxy field and enter a full URL like http://proxy.example.com:8080/ into the text box next to it. If None is chosen, no proxy will be used. This specified server will also be used for HTTPS connections by making CONNECT proxy requests, so make sure that it supports and allows them.

You can also enter a proxy to use for FTP downloads in the FTP proxy field. Usually this will be the same as the HTTP proxy.

To disable the use of a proxy for certain hosts, fill in the No proxy for field with a space-separated list of hostnames, domain names, and full or partial IP addresses. For example, you might enter .example.com 192.168.1. to have Webmin connect directly to hosts in that domain and network.

If your proxy requires clients to authenticate themselves, fill in the Username for proxy and Password for proxy fields.

Hit the Save button to have Webmin start using the new settings.

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