41.8. Editing Directory Aliases

To simplify life for users that frequently need to access directories with long paths, WU-FTPD allows you to define directory aliases that can be used when changing to a different directory. This means that someone using a command-line FTP client can enter cd stuff: instead of cd /usr/local/etc/stuff, assuming that a suitable alias has been created.

To set up aliases, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the Aliases and Paths icon.

The CD directory aliases field is actually a table that lists existing aliases (if any) and always has one blank row for adding a new one. In the first empty field under the Alias name column, enter the name for a new alias like stuff: or junk:. There is no requirement that an alias end with a colon—however, this is a good idea as it reduces the risk of an alias name being the same as an actual relative directory.

In the corresponding field under Alias to directory, enter a full directory path—like /usr/local/junk—that the alias is equal to. If you want to add more than one alias, you will need to save and reopen this page so that a new empty row appears. To delete one, just clear out both of its fields in the table.

The CD directory search path text box lets you enter a list of directories that will be searched if a client tries to change to a relative subdirectory that is not in the current directory. For example, if /usr/local was included and a client tried to switch to the bin directory, he would be placed in /usr/local/bin (assuming no real bin subdirectory exists).

Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new aliases.

Aliases are not particularly useful in graphical FTP clients that present the user with a directory listing on which to click. Because users do not (and often cannot) change to an explicit pseudo-directory like stuff: and aliases are not included in listings, they are hard to use. Command-like FTP clients like ncftp and the classic UNIX ftp program are more suited to using them.

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