34.14. Editing Global Majordomo Options

There are a few options related to the email domain and mail program that effect all mailing lists, as well as the master Majordomo email address. Generally, you will not need to adjust them, but if you do, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the Edit Majordomo Options button to bring up the global options form.

The Mail server hostname field must contain the default email domain name for your server, such as example.com. This can be overridden on a per-list basis by the Hostname for resent email field on the email options page, but it is simpler to set it globally here.

The value entered here sets the Majordomo variable $whereami, which can be used in the subsequent fields.

To change the address to which Majordomo commands must be sent, edit the Majordomo master address field. Changing this is rarely necessary, however, and you must update the actual Majordomo email alias as well for it to work properly.

To change the address of the Majordomo administrator, edit the Majordomo owner's address field. This is typically set to an alias that forwards mail to the real owner address, which can be changed instead of this field.

To have Majordomo use a different program for sending email, edit the Sendmail command path field. Whatever you enter must be able to accept the same parameters as the sendmail command; however, most replacements for this command supplied with other mail server packages will work.

Click the Save button to make the new settings active.

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