24.2. Configuring the SSH/Telnet Login Module

This module has several configuration options that control its user interface and connection. To edit them, click on the Module Config link in the top-left corner of the main page. The editable options that will be displayed are shown in Table 24.1.

Table 24.1. Module Configuration Options
Hostname to connect toNormally this field is set to Automatic, which tells the SSH/telnet applet to connect to the Webmin server from which it was loaded. You can enter a different hostname or IP address instead to log in to a different system, but this will usually not work due to the restrictions on where a Java applet can connect.
Port to connect toWhen this field is set to Default, the applet will connect to either port 23 for telnet or 22 for SSH. These are the standard ports for those servers so this field can almost always be left alone. If they have been changed on your system, however, this module configuration option will have to be changed as well so that the applet can connect.
Connection typeFor the applet to make an SSH connection, select Secure Shell. To stick with telnet, choose Telnet instead. If SSH is mode is chosen, your system must be running an SSH server that supports version 1 of the protocol, as the applet does not support version 2.
Applet sizeThis field has three options:

80x24 characters— The applet will be sized to 80 characters wide and 24 high, the same as a standard telnet or shell window.

Maximum— The applet will take up all available space in the browser.

Custom size— The size is determined by the values entered into the next field.

If the Separate window mode option is enabled, this field is irrelevant.
Custom width x heightIf the Applet size field is set to Custom size, you must enter a width and height separated by an x into this field, such as 640x480.
Font size in pointsThe size of the font used by the applet. If this is changed from the Default setting of 11 points, more or fewer rows and columns will fit into the applet.
Separate window modeIf set to Yes, all that will appear on the module's page is a button labeled Connect. Only when it is clicked will a separate window be opened to log in via SSH or telnet. The window can be resized manually as soon as it is opened.
Test telnet or SSH serverNormally this field is set to Yes, which causes Webmin to check to see if there really is an SSH or telnet server running on your system. Because this test can sometimes fail incorrectly due to a firewall preventing your system from connecting to itself, you can set it to No to disable the test.

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