31.9. Configuring the CVS Server Module

This module has a few settings that can be changed by clicking on the Module Config link on the main page. Those that you can safely edit are shown in Table 31.1.

Table 31.1. Module Configuration Options
CVS root directoryThis must be set to the directory that contains your CVS repository. The module will check for a CVSROOT subdirectory and display an error on the main page if it is not found. There is currently no way to specify multiple root directories, even though the CVS server can be manually configured to support them.
Repository browser header fileThis field can be used to specify a file containing HTML to be displayed at the top of each page in the repository browser. The default file, header.html, contains information about the authors of the browser script. You may want to enter the full path to some other file instead, perhaps containing information about the files on your CVS server.
Character set for repository fileNormally, Webmin chooses a character set for each page based on the currently selected language. This information is sent to the browser, which uses it to work out the encoding of text on the page and the font with which to display it. This may not be appropriate when browsing the repository, however, as your source code probably just uses the us-ascii or iso-8859-1 character set. This field can be used to specify an alternate character set to be used on the browser pages if they are not being displayed properly when Webmin is using a different language. Most people can just leave it set to From Webmin language.

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