53.4. Using Server Tunnels

When you click on an icon for a Webmin server in one of the tunnel modes, you will be connected to it via this master system. The user interface of the remote host will be almost exactly the same as if you logged in normally, except that every page will include a special Webmin Servers link. When clicked on, this will take you back to the Webmin Servers Index module on the master system, which is more convenient than hitting the back button in your browser a few hundred times.

For tunneling to work, the master server must analyze and modify the HTML sent back by the remote host that you are logging into. Currently this works well for Webmin servers, but may fail if you are tunneling through to some other web-based application or website that uses HTML not supported by this module. Symptoms of this include links pointing to nonexistent pages on the master server and images that are not loaded properly.

Clicking on the icon for a server's Login when icon is clicked mode will initially display a login form for entering a username and password for the remote system. This will appear even if the remote host does not actually run Webmin on the chosen port, but it can be used to log in to any web server that uses standard HTTP authentication. After you log in, your username and password will be remembered until you either quit your browser (thus discarding the cookie) or click on the logout link that appears below server's icon on the module's main page.

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