43.12. Editing Share Defaults

As the previous few sections in this chapter have mentioned, the Samba configuration allows you to define defaults that apply to all shares, unless specifically overridden. This can be done by clicking on either the File Share Defaults or Printer Share Defaults icon on the main page, editing the contents of the form that appears, and hitting Save. Most of the options in this form, however, are not particularly useful to set globally, except maybe Available? and Browseable?.

More usefully, you can click on one of the icons on the defaults page and change settings that will apply to all file or printer shares. In the case of the Security and Access Control icon (which appears on both pages), global defaults that you set will apply to both file and printer shares, as Samba does not differentiate between them.

Any option that is set globally will appear as the default on per-share forms. For example, if you fill in the Delete job command field under Printer Options on the Printer Share Defaults page and then went to the same page for a specific printer, the same value would appear. Even though the command does not actually appear in the configuration file for the printer, Webmin still displays it because it will be used by default. Of course, if you enter a different command for the share, it will override the global setting and thus be used and displayed. This behavior may be a little confusing, as it is not the way that other Webmin modules usually work.

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