56.7. Functions in Other Modules

The standard Webmin modules contain a vast number of useful functions for parsing and manipulating the configuration files for Apache, BIND, UNIX Users, and so on. If your module needs to configure these servers as well in some way, it makes sense to make use of existing functions in the standard modules.

Because the standard modules have typically already been configured with the correct paths for files like httpd.conf and squid.conf, their functions will use those paths when you call them to read and write configuration files. The actual %config settings for another module can also be accessed so your module knows what commands to use to apply changes or to start some server like Apache or Squid.

When you first load the library for some other module with the foreign_require function, it is actually executed in a separate Perl module namespace. All of your module's CGI programs and its library will be in the main namespace, but other foreign module's functions will be put in a namespace with the same name as the Webmin module. This means that you can call those functions with code like &useradmin::list_users() and access global variables like $useradmin::config{'passwd_file'}. This Perl namespace separation ensures that functions and global variables with the same names can exist in both your module and the foreign module, without any clashes. Some things are shared between all modules, however, such as caches used by get_system_hostname, load_language, read_file_cached, and get_all_module_infos so loading the library of a new module with foreign_require is not too slow.

The only way to find out which functions are available in other modules is to read the source code of their CGI programs and libraries. Unfortunately, there is no documentation at the moment as to what the functions do, apart from maybe some comments in the source code. You will also find that not every feature of another module is accessible though its functions. For example, the Apache module does not have a function for applying the current configuration. Instead, this is done by the restart.cgi script, which runs the appropriate commands directly.

Probably the most useful module for others is Running Processes, as it contains several functions for starting processes in the background. Many of the standard modules make use of them, which is why Running Processes should never be uninstalled unless you want to break several other Webmin modules as well.

The functions available after calling &foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl"); are:

proc::safe_process_exec(command, uid, gid, handle, input, fixtags, bsmode) Executes the specified command as the given UNIX uid and gid, and writes its output to a Perl file handle (usually STDOUT). This can be useful when executing programs that fork their own subprocesses, which would normally prevent Perl from detecting the end of their output when run using a piped open function call. For example, many servers have startup scripts like /etc/init.d/httpd that exhibit this problematic behavior.

If the input parameter is supplied, it will be fed as input to the command when run. If the fixtags parameter is set to 1, all output from the command will have HTML characters escaped so it can be properly displayed in a browser. And if the bsmode argument is set, any backspace or return characters output by the command are interpreted to remove the last output letter or clear the current line, respectively. This can be useful if the program usually uses these characters to display an incrementing counter, as mkfs and cdrecord do.

proc::safe_process_exec_logged(command, uid, gid, handle, input, fixtags, bsmode) This function behaves just like safe_process_exec, but also records the executed command so it will be logged when webmin_log is called.

proc::pty_process_exec(command, [uid, gid]) Executes the specified command in a new PTY as either the given UNIX uid and gid or the correct user (normally root). Many programs (such as passwd) expect to interact with a user through the current TTY and thus input cannot simply be piped to them after being run with the open function. You can, however, use the file handle that this function returns to read and write to such programs as though you were supplying user input and viewing output usually sent to the user.

pty_process_exec actually returns both a file handle and the PID of the started process so you can kill it if necessary. The standard wait_for function can be used to interact with the command, as the following example shows:

&foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl");
($fh, $pid) = &proc::pty_process_exec("passwd $username");
while(1) {
    $rv = &wait_for($fh, "password:");
    if ($rv == 0) {
        &sysprint($fh, $password);
    else {

proc::pty_process_exec_logged(command, [uid, gid]) Just like pty_process_exec, but records the command for later logging when webmin_log is called.

proc::list_processes([pid]) Returns a list of all processes currently running on the system or just the details of a single process if the pid parameter is supplied. Each element of the returned array is a reference to a hash containing at least the keys shown in Table 56.2.

proc::find_process(name) Searches for processes whose command or arguments match the given name and returns an array of details for those that match. Each element is a hash reference with the same members as the list_processes function.

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