11.6. Module Access Control Options

By default, any Webmin user with access to this module can manage all processes running on the system, as though he were logged in as root. However, using the Webmin Users module, you can limit a user's access so that he can only kill or re-nice processes owned by a particular UNIX user. It is also possible to restrict a user to read-only mode, allowing him only to see processes but not change them in any way or start new ones.

You should read Chapter 52 first to learn more about module access control and how to grant a user access to the Running Processes module. Once you have done that, the steps to follow to edit a Webmin user's access to this module are:

In the Webmin Users module, click on Running Processes next to the name of the user or group that you want to restrict.

Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.

To give the Webmin user access to only those processes owned by a particular UNIX user, enter the username into the Manage processes as user field. If the UNIX and Webmin users have the same name, you can select Current Webmin user instead. This can be useful when setting up module access control for a group in which you want each member to be able to manage only his own processes.

To put the user into read-only mode, set the Can kill and re-nice processes? and Can run commands? fields to No. If this is done, it doesn't really matter what username you enter in Step 3 because no process management can be done.

Click the Save button to have your changes activated.

To restrict the processes that a Webmin user can manage, the module code simply switches to run as the UNIX user specified in Step 3. Because a UNIX user cannot kill or re-prioritize any process that he does not own, switching users like this causes the operating system to automatically enforce process access control for Webmin.

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