14.7. Configuring the Filesystem Backup Module

Clicking on the Module Config link in the top-left corner of this module's main page will bring up a form for setting options that control how it behaves. The available settings and their meanings are see in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1. Module Configuration Options
Do strftime substitution of backup destinations?If Yes is selected in this field, the backup destination path will have any special codes starting with % replaced with components of the current time and date. For example, %m will be replaced with month number, %d with the day of the month and %y with the year. These are the same substations that the standard UNIX strftime function uses. This option is useful if you want the backup to be written to a different file each day, instead of over-writing the same file every time. The default option is No, which turns off this behavior.
Send mail via SMTP serverWhen Local sendmail executable is selected, the output from scheduled backups will be sent by running the sendmail command on your system, the path to which is taken from the Sendmail Configuration module. However, you can tell the module to send email by making an SMTP connection to some other host instead, which may be necessary if your system does not run a mail server at all, or runs one other that Sendmail. Just select the second radio button and enter a hostname into the text box.

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