19.5. Editing Firewall Rules

Webmin can be used to edit any of the existing firewall rules that have been created manually, in another program or using this module. Even though the module does not support all of the available IPtables condition and action options, you can still use it to safely edit rules containing unknown options. Only those known to Webmin can be changed, and others will be left untouched.

To edit a rule, the steps to follow are:

On the main page of the module, select the table the rule is in from the list next to be Showing IPtable button before clicking it.

Click on the action of the rule you wish to change in the table for its chain. This will take you to an editing form, which is identical to the creation form shown in Figure 19.3.

Change the action or any of the conditions, and click the Save button to return to the list of chains and rules. Or to delete the rule altogether, click the Delete button.

To make the changes active, click on Apply Configuration.

Rules can be moved up and down within their chain using the arrows under the Move column on the main page. Because rules are evaluated in order by the firewall, changing their ordering can affect which traffic is allowed or denied. Whenever you create a new rule, it will be added to the end of its chain, so it may be necessary to move it up to the correct position to get the desired effect.

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