30.9. Creating and Editing a Forward Zone

A forward zone is one for which your DNS server simply forwards queries to another server on behalf of whoever is making the request. They can be useful if the zone is actually hosted by another server that cannot be reached by clients of this server. It is possible to set up BIND to forward all requests for any non-hosted zones to another server, as explained in Section 30.12 “Configuring Forwarding and Transfers” below. A forward zone entry does the same thing, but for just a single domain.

To set one up, the steps to follow are:

On the module's main page, click on the Create a new forward zone link above or below the list of existing domain icons. This will take you to the zone creation form.

Set the Zone type field to either Forward or Reverse, as when creating master and slave zones.

For a forward zone, enter its full name (without a dot at the end) into the Domain name / Network field. For a reverse zone, enter its network (like 192.168.1) into the field instead. Webmin will automatically convert it to in-addr.arpa format when the zone is added.

In the Master servers field, enter a list of IP addresses for the DNS servers that can be queried to look up records in the zone. These must all be master, slave or forward hosts for the domain.

If no addresses are entered at all, BIND will always perform normal lookups of records in the zone instead of forwarding requests to another server. This can be used to override the global forwarding settings on the Forwarding and Transfers page for a single zone.

Click the Create button to have the zone added to BIND's configuration file. Your browser will be taken to a page for editing options in the new domain.

Return to the module's main page, and hit the Apply Changes button to make it active.

After a forward zone has been created, you can delete it or edit the few settings that it has by following these steps:

Click on the icon for the zone on the module's main page, which will bring your browser to a small form for editing its options.

To change the list of DNS servers that requests are forwarded to, edit the IP addresses in the Master servers field. If none are entered, requests for records in this domain will be looked up directly.

If the Try other servers? field is set to Yes, BIND will try a normal direct lookup for requests in this zone if it cannot contact any of the listed servers.

Click the Save button to store your changes and then Apply Changes back on the main page to activate them.

Or to delete the forward zone, click on Delete and then Delete again on the confirmation page.

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