34.3. Using Other Mail Servers

By default, this module assumes that you are using the Sendmail mail server. Many people, however, prefer alternatives like Postfix or Qmail due to their superior configuration file formats, reliability, and design. Fortunately, the module can work with any mail server that uses an aliases file in the same format as Sendmail's /etc/aliases.

All that you need to do is tell the module where the aliases file is located instead of having it read the Sendmail configuration and find it automatically. To do this, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the Module Config link. This will bring up the standard module configuration form.

For the Sendmail-style aliases file field, deselect the Get from sendmail.cf option and enter the full path to your mail server's aliases file. This will usually be something like /etc/aliases or /etc/postfix/aliases.

Click the Save button to return to the main page. Any error message about the Webmin's inability to find the sendmail.cf file will have disappeared.

Click on the Edit Majordomo Options button at the bottom of the page and fill in the Sendmail command path field with the path to a program that works in the same way as the real sendmail command. All mail servers come with a program like this to preserve compatibility with programs that expect Sendmail to be installed—usually found at /usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/lib/sendmail. Majordomo uses this command to send outgoing email to list members.

Click Save to return to the main page. The module and Majordomo will now function properly with your mail server.

Not all mail servers have a standard aliases file, so this module cannot be used with them. Qmail requires a patch before it will read an aliases file, as normally it uses .qmail files in the /var/qmail/aliases directory to define aliases.

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